How To Get a Tinder Date (And Feel Good About It) feat. Chris Angel Murphy

Today on the show, I’m giving you my perspective on the Freedom Convoy (I’m so sorry, it’s a whole thing and I have received a ton of questions about it!) and answering your questions on how to not compare yourself to past lovers. It can be a real buzzkill in the bedroom if you’re like “oh, how did they do it? Am I doing it as well as them?!” I also share my interview with social worker, host of Allyship is a Verb podcast, and LGBTQ+ educator, Chris Angel Murphy. Chris Angel and I get vulnerable in this episode and also share advice on how not to be an asshole on dating apps.

Resources from the Show!

BEDucated Link:

BEDucated Coupon code: LOVEDOCTOR

Chris Angel Murphy:

Instagram: @gendersexualityinfo

Allyship is a Verb Podcast:

Sissy: A Coming-Of-Gender Story:

Freedom Convoy Article:


Is Polyamory Right For You? feat. Claire Travers


Is This The Future of Birth Control? Fertility Awareness Method feat. Nathalie Daudet