Why High School Sex Ed Sucks Feat. Hannah Mariko Bell, Sophie Underwood, & Kiley Verbowski

Today on the show, we are talking about what you missed in your high school sex education and how puppets may be the best way to talk about sex. In our first ever group interview on the podcast, I talk to Hannah Mariko Bell, Sophie Underwood, and Kiley Verbowski, about our experience co-creating the play Going All The Way. We talk about our own experiences with sex education and how creating art has helped us navigate our own sexual journeys.

Resources from the Show!

Going All The Way Tickets: skam.ca/going-all-the-way

Theatre SKAM: https://skam.ca/

What is Intersectionality? Kimberlé Crenshaw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViDtnfQ9FHc&ab_channel=NationalAssociationofIndependentSchools%28NAIS%29

Schitt's Creek Star Dan Levy on Playing Pansexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4IXXM0A6vg&ab_channel=LarryKing

Schitt's Creek Wine Analogy Scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrHYlJTqud0&ab_channel=RozCoreyClark

Japanese Fertility Festivals: https://allabout-japan.com/en/article/4349/


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